Selectoral Collage

So, the declining interest and viewership of Major League Baseball has prompted some new rule changes, set to go into effect in the 2024-2025 season. Taking its cue from presidential elections, MLB will institute its own version of the electoral college system. Just as the popular vote doesn’t necessarily insure victory, so will the scoreContinue reading “Selectoral Collage”


So, I’ve been a bit distracted lately, dealing with an IT issue. My Kvetchometer is on the fritz due to information overload I depend on it to gauge the level of pissed-offedness I am feeling at any given time. What with the Middle East, Michael Johnson, the Supremely Corrupt Court, and the entirety of theContinue reading “Kvetch-O-Meter”

The Flaws of War

So, the war continues and is expanding. . The civilian loss of life in Gaza is horrific but let us not forget how this all started a mere three weeks ago. It started with an absolutely barbaric, animalistic and brutally nonhuman attack on peaceful civilians in Israel. With the savage slaughter, rape, and kidnapping ofContinue reading “The Flaws of War”

Lyin’ of Suckcession

“So, how does it feel to be back in the White House, Mr Trump, considering the circumstances that led to it?” “Terrific, I should have been back in 2020. I won that election, you know, but I’ll take this win.” “Well, I would hardly refer to this as a win, Sir, after all the PresidentContinue reading “Lyin’ of Suckcession”

Too Many Keys (autocorrect)?

So, I have never in all my life felt as uncomfortable, as on edge, as fearful or as apprehensive as I do now. As much as some Jews feel just outside the circle of acceptance, realizing that others view them as just a bit different, it is the events of the last few weeks thatContinue reading “Too Many Keys (autocorrect)?”

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