
So, it falls to me to announce the untimely death of our fourteen year old espresso machine. Saeco Incanto, or as she was fondly referred to as Coffee Machine, died yesterday after battling ventilation problems for several months. Emergency phone calls and Google searches could not secure any donor parts to resuscitate her, so after numerous attempts, we let her slip away peacefully. Her previous kin, Roxanne (so named because of her red light alert, indicating low levels of life sustaining water and beans), passed after a long and fulfilling life, culminating in rehabilitation and a lighter workload at a familial home.

We are happy to announce, however, our soon to arrive addition, Gaggia Magenta, delivery date expected in a few days. We are very excited and prepping her counter area for the blessed day.

Donations in Coffee Machine’s name can be made at Whole Latte Love.

Published by KvetchingIntoTheVoid

A repository of random thoughts archived for my future upload.

5 thoughts on “C-Off-ee

    1. So you think. You un-caffeinated soul. Talk about unfortunate timing – we just received a case of Lavazza coffee beans. ( that’s 18 lbs). That investment alone requires a new machine asap. 😂. And I hate paying $4 for a lg cup of Joe. Don’t take this lightly Mr Lowitt. The fact that I left Andrew alone for
      an hr to renew my passport. And he is airing our family dirty laundry. Tells you how serious this matter is.

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