Trials and Liberations

So, Monday night at sundown, Passover begins. Monday also begins the first ever criminal trial of a former president (lower case intentional). Quite the coincidence that Trumps own sundowning also impacts people’s freedoms, since his dementia riddled speech, dictator embracing persona, and just overall naivety/stupidity will have lasting effects on this country’s freedoms, freedoms weContinue reading “Trials and Liberations”

Zero Some

“So, we’re here tonight with the winner of the 2024 Presidential race. In a rare upset victory, None Of These Candidates has eked out a small majority in both the popular and electoral numbers. After Nikki Haley lost the Nevada primary to None Of These Candidates, it became apparent that Mr/Ms NOTC, might just beContinue reading “Zero Some”

🎼I Right My Heart In. . .🎼

So, in an effort to curry favor and solidify his position as the new Trump, Ron DeSantis has announced that as part of his agenda for his yet unannounced Presidential bid, he will completely eliminate the term “left.” “It will be replaced with ‘not right,’” he said in an interview on Fox News. “Not right,Continue reading “🎼I Right My Heart In. . .🎼”

New Drug

I’m feeling so much better since I started taking the new medication released by American Pharmaceuticals. Bydenizine is a new antidepressant that claims to have minimal side effects. After being on this medication for about a week now I can tell you that my anxiety has diminished, my mood is better and the tightness inContinue reading “New Drug”

Waiting For God Knows Who

As of this moment Biden leads Trump by four million votes in the popular vote, which we know from past experience doesn’t mean you win. The Electoral Collage count is 253 to 214 with a handful of states yet to fully report. Joe Biden has all but said he is the winner but has onlyContinue reading “Waiting For God Knows Who”

Spite-ify Playlist

So, it has been brought to my attention that the kvetch content of this blog has become overly political but given the current environment in the country I feel I can’t be held too responsible (please refer back to the blogs name). Anyway, not being one who doesn’t defer to my readers suggestions I haveContinue reading “Spite-ify Playlist”

Flake News

Maxims are truths. So, I’ve decided to turn off the news. Just turn it off! At least for awhile. News can be an addictive thing and news junkies can feel the political pull luring them back just as surely as a drug addict can feel that inner need for a fix. (Psst, buddy, want someContinue reading “Flake News”

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